Posts tagged mindfulness
Tarot Spread - Soul Work

We can collectively agree that although soul work can be difficult it is the key to making groundbreaking progress of our development. Because we riffle through the depths of our being and analyze, explore and accept what makes us tick & why - it also allows us space to make positive changes. 

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Tarot Spread - Aligning with Gratitude

I hope this tarot spread will be useful to you when you are looking to find peace in the present. Gratitude does so much for us. It opens us up to bliss, improves our mental health, allows for better sleep, aids our relationships, helps us be less aggressive, makes us more empathetic, and more.

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Tarot Spread - Next Soul Lesson: Spirit Journey

Thanks to some brilliant channeling from a beautiful friend of mine - she advised me to focus on the next soul lesson to help me find out my next step in life. Rather than spending too much energy focusing on where I'm directing my next step, she encouraged me to focus on the why - the reason behind the next step... the lesson that accompanies it.

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Tarot Spread - Confronting Your Shadows: Surrendering to Truth

This one looks like a pretty little 5 card tarot spread but it sure packs a punch. I created this tarot spread to help us dig right down to our core to better understand our shadows. 

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Tarot Spread - Living in the Moment: Being Present

One of my most profound lessons this year was very simple: happiness resides in each moment. Bliss, joy and peace are all only experienced in the present. So like I do with so many lessons in life - I created a tarot spread. My aim with this is to help us be present more often so we can enjoy life's greatest gift: the moment.

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Tarot Spread - Stressful Situation: Feeling Overwhelmed

I am sharing this tarot spread for anyone going through a stressful situation. I encourage you to be gentle with yourself regardless of your situation. Remember that so much of the stress we feel is brought on by our own feelings of anxiety. We are capable of so much & are stronger than we think.

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