Posts tagged healing
Tarot Spread - The Next Phase: Clarity on Your Journey

Every so often we feel pulled (or called) toward a new phase of our spiritual journey. We can intuitively sense that things are changing and that we're meant to be doing something new but it can be difficult to listen to what that something new actually is. This is when tarot & other forms of divination can be so helpful. 

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Tarot Spread - Stressful Situation: Feeling Overwhelmed

I am sharing this tarot spread for anyone going through a stressful situation. I encourage you to be gentle with yourself regardless of your situation. Remember that so much of the stress we feel is brought on by our own feelings of anxiety. We are capable of so much & are stronger than we think.

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Tarot Spread - Self Care: Checking In with Yourself

I love using the tarot as a way to put physical images and symbols to explain how I'm feeling. This helps me actualize my emotions and really examine who I am in this moment. By finding happiness in the present we unlock the keys to a successful future.

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Tarot Spread - Ancestry: Connection & Healing

In the spiritual/metaphysical world there are a ton of different views on ancestry. Some people tie our ancestors to past lives we’ve lived, some believe we choose our ancestry upon birth to give us a specific perception or lens as a way to view life, others believe our ancestry is completely random. Regardless of your beliefs, this tarot spread will help identify intergenerational life lessons, traits and patterns.

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Tarot Spread - Channeling Your Gentle Side

Whether you're familiar with tapping into your gentle side or you're more like me and it's a bit of a challenge to be gentle, this tarot spread moves past just simply being gentle and allows us to visit that part of ourselves that sometimes gets lost due to ego and our human experience. 

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Tarot Spread - Listening to Your Physical Body

Practicing gratitude for our bodies is something many of us forget to do. It isn't until we run into health problems or even a common cold when we realize that we take our bodies for granted. My intention with this tarot spread is to encourage you to bring your attention on your physical body.

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