What is Charm Casting?

Charm casting is a form of divination, where you assign individual charms meanings and then based on where they fall on your casting space (cloth, table, box, etc. See other listings for casting cloths) they will provide insights into different aspects of your life.

Similar to other divination methods like tarot reading or rune casting, charm casting considers the placement of the charms and their symbolism. However, unlike many other forms of divination, this time YOU set the meaning of the charms. This means that your own intention, personal connection, and individual feelings - you decide what the charm message means.

We can think of it like this, with tarot cards the Death card means the same thing to all tarot readers. There is a specific message that is tied astrologically, numerology and symbolically to the Death card that makes it so that everyone who reads tarot cards knows this basic traditional meaning. With charm casting, because you set the meaning to an individual charm yourself based on your own intuition and sensations, the charm meanings may vary greatly person to person.

For example, to one person a ring charm may symbolize happiness, bliss, marriage, romance, and connection. However, to someone who has been through a recent divorce, the ring charm may symbolize something very different. Perhaps to this recent divorcee, the ring charm symbolizes being tied down, an idealised understanding of the world, false promises, etc. These differences in our world view and situations make charm reading highly individualized and unique.

How to do Charm Casting?

You can choose to read charms using a variety of methods. Let’s explore a few methods below.

One Charm Question & Answer

A great method for beginners to charm casting is to pull 1 charm to represent the answer to a question. Some examples of questions you can ask your charms include:
↠ What can I expect for the day ahead?
↠ What is something coming into my life?
↠ What can I do to manifest my desires?
↠ What is no longer serving me?
↠ How can I be my best self?
↠ How can I connect deeper with spirit?
↠ How can I improve my relationship with ____?
↠ What does _____ think about me?

Divination Spreads

You can also use any free tarot spread I have in my library, but instead of pulling a tarot card to answer the question, pull a charm!

Charm Casting Cloths & Surfaces

You can use your charms with a casting cloth (available for sale in my shop) which is my personal favorite way to charm cast. When I first got my charm kit, I felt overwhelmed with the amount of charms and what to do with them, so I decided to manufacture myself some charm casting cloths to use with my charms. These templates ended up being very helpful to me so I decided to sell a few extra in my shop. You can decide to purchase a casting cloth, use paper or cloth to create your own (doesn't need to be fancy), or decide not to use a mat at all.

How to Make a Charm Casting Kit

Choose a charm set that you enjoy and that resonates. Your charms don't need to be expensive, fancy - they just need to work for you. You can use items around your home in your charm casting set, visit a Dollar Store for items, thrift trinkets, etc.

Number of Charms

Pick as many charms as you feel called to, there are no strict rules with charm casting. Starting off small, with 5 charms can be ideal to help you get the hang of things. I know many people think charms are very precious and they want 100s in their collection… but personally, I find it more meaningful to have fewer. When I read my charms I tend to select about 10 to use per reading.

Charm Ideas to Include in Your Charm Kit

You can choose to include any or all of the items below - it’s completely up to you. In my personal charm kit, I like to keep only charm pendants and dice. However, I have seen many charm kits that include a bunch of different elements which adds a new level of personalization and connection to the kit. There is no wrong way to create a kit, as long as it resonates with you!

Items you can include in your kit that you likely have in your home (charm kit inspiration):

  • Charms

  • Buttons

  • Safety Pins

  • Keys

  • Earrings

  • Hair clips / Hair accessories

  • Rings

  • Pendants

  • Lockets

  • Coins

  • Dominos

  • Dice

  • Shells

  • Rocks

  • Trinkets of any kind

  • Toys (like Barbie accessories, Polly Pockets, etc)

  • Thimble

  • Elastic

  • Clothes pin