Posts tagged oracle cards
Tarot Spread - Relationship with Pets

A lot of us share a special bond with our animals. I believe that just like other soulmates they come into our lives for specific purposes. The relationship is important and because of that I am so happy to share this tarot spread with you that will help improve your connection with a pet or any animal you know!).

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Tarot Spread - Nostalgia: Releasing an Emotional Blockage

If you are like me and nostalgia makes you feel sick or uneasy - there is likely a reason. It's probably that the memory reminds you of a time that you tie to a negative emotion. This could be something simple like an embarrassment or something more severe like a traumatic experience.

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Tarot Spread - Interview with the Ego

That little voice in our head that speaks to us all the time... What is it saying? Is it helping us reach our highest good or is it perpetuating negative fears like anxiety and worthlessness. I hope this tarot spread inspires you to take a look at the Ego and begin recognizing it more and more. 

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Tarot Spread - Week Ahead

Week ahead spreads are normally quite dull in my opinion. So I figured why not create my own spread that promotes a positive week ahead filled with things that are important to me. I still used 7 cards but rather than each reflecting a day of the week I wanted them to represent an aspect of my week.

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Tarot Spread - Cleansing the Soul

Sometimes you just need one of those tarot spreads that digs right in! This spread will help you identify some of your subconscious behaviours, listen to your body, open yourself up to your emotions and heighten your awareness.

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Tarot Spread - Solar Eclipse

Let’s look at it as simply as we can: The solar eclipse is when the moon passes between the sun and earth. Seemingly covering the sun for brief period. This tells us that we may feel a need...

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Tarot Spread - All About Love

It doesn't have to be a Hallmark holiday for love to be on your mind! Love is one of the most common themes people ask about when I'm doing an intuitive reading. People try to play it cool by asking questions about work or life purpose first, but without fail those love questions always come popping up.

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Tarot Spread - Angel Guidance

If you do not believe in Angels, this spread can easily be changed to ask for help from you Guides, God, Higher Self, etc. Feel free to change and alter this spread as your intuition guides you.

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