Posts tagged oracle
Tarot Spread - The Next Phase: Clarity on Your Journey

Every so often we feel pulled (or called) toward a new phase of our spiritual journey. We can intuitively sense that things are changing and that we're meant to be doing something new but it can be difficult to listen to what that something new actually is. This is when tarot & other forms of divination can be so helpful. 

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Tarot Spread - Living in the Moment: Being Present

One of my most profound lessons this year was very simple: happiness resides in each moment. Bliss, joy and peace are all only experienced in the present. So like I do with so many lessons in life - I created a tarot spread. My aim with this is to help us be present more often so we can enjoy life's greatest gift: the moment.

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Tarot Spread - Nostalgia: Releasing an Emotional Blockage

If you are like me and nostalgia makes you feel sick or uneasy - there is likely a reason. It's probably that the memory reminds you of a time that you tie to a negative emotion. This could be something simple like an embarrassment or something more severe like a traumatic experience.

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Tarot Spread - Cleansing the Soul

Sometimes you just need one of those tarot spreads that digs right in! This spread will help you identify some of your subconscious behaviours, listen to your body, open yourself up to your emotions and heighten your awareness.

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Tarot Spread - Seeing the Bigger Picture

Our lives have many moving parts and it can be hard to balance effectively and organize all the areas that are important to us. It's so easy for certain things to get pushed aside and forgotten about. This tarot spread can be used any time you're looking to see a snapshot of what's going on in your life.

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Tarot Spread - Help from Spirit Guides

I've done a few tarot spreads for communicating with your Spirit Guides because it's something I try to do often. I find that using tarot cards can be a great way to feel connected and understand why this Guide is with you at any current time. 

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Tarot Spread - Releasing Trauma

This spread will hopefully shed light on how your traumatic experience has shaped your personality, the way you view yourself and your relationships, and how you will change as a result of letting go and moving forward.

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Tarot Spread - Predicting Outcomes

A little tarot spread to help identify the outcome of a specific situation. I did this spread today and got the most insightful reading... whenever that happens I always feel like I have to share with you guys.

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Tarot Spread - Solar Eclipse

Let’s look at it as simply as we can: The solar eclipse is when the moon passes between the sun and earth. Seemingly covering the sun for brief period. This tells us that we may feel a need...

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