Tarot Spread - Unlock Your True Potential


It feels like it has been way too long since I've shared a tarot spread!

After spending a month backpacking across Northern India and Nepal, I'm feeling very rejuvenated and accelerated on my path. I have many seeds that have been planted and I'm waiting for them to grow. Patiently tending and watering my abundant crop, in anticipation that it will soon be ready to harvest.

Although the harvest itself will be wonderful, there is nothing better than allowing ourselves to be in alignment. Needing absolutely nothing to occur because the state of mind we are enjoying is better than all the riches themselves. Abundance rains down, synchronicity can't help but occur, blissful encounters, each moment is pure magic.

As a human it can be difficult to remain in that magical state of high vibration... so here's a tarot spread to help you get to a place where nothing is out of reach. I hope this spread inspires you once again to truly taste your purpose for Being.