Full Moon in Virgo February 24 Tarot Spread

Saturday February 24th we see a full moon in Virgo at 5 degrees.

The full moon is a time of illumination, putting a spotlight on certain areas of our lives. It’s also a culmination of the prior lunar phase. Since this Full Moon is in Virgo, it puts this spotlight on all things Virgo.

Virgo energy is associated with habits, practicality, attention to detail, organization, and service. With Virgo being an earth sign, it's grounded and connected to our daily and physical lives.

Full Moons are a time for heightened emotions and awareness. So you may notice yourself feeling analytical and introspective about your daily life. How are you caring for yourself? What habits are you following? Which patterns have you fallen into? How are you in service to others?

Virgo can sometimes fall into a critical place of self-reflection. With this heightened energy of the Full Moon, be mindful not to be too hard on yourself. If there are aspects of your life that you'd like to change, try to come at the changes with patience and love.

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