What Are the Types of Witches? 10 Types of Witches - Part 2 Witch Tips

What type of witch are you?

I’m not a huge fan of labels and I don’t personally believe you need to decide a type of witchcraft to practice. I do however find that understanding the different types of witchcraft can help beginners find their niche. It can help to explore different areas of the craft and widen your knowledge.

Please don’t feel like you need to define your practice. But feel free to use this guide to help inspire your curiosity and maybe even try something new.

Looking for more types of witches? Check out Part 1.

Types of Witches

Death Witch
Practices necromancy, can worship chthonic deities. Connected with transitions & transformation.

Urban Witch
Adapts their craft to an urban environment. Often focuses on tech magic & modern resources.

Fairy/Faery Witch
Works with fae, fae deities, elementals, nature spirits. Close workings with nature & fae realms.

Music Witch
Works with vibrations and frequencies. Creates music with intention, spells, and divine connection.

Psychic Witch
Uses psychic senses to guide their practice and perform spells. Often uses divination tools or meditation techniques.

Secular Witch
Practices their craft while not tying it in with spiritual or religious beliefs.

Hearth /Cottage Witch
Focuses on domestic magic using materials commonly found in the home. Often incorporates herbalism, kitchen witchcraft & folk magic.

Lunar Witch
Closely follows the cycles of the moon. Rituals, intentions, healing & magick often coincides with the lunar phases.

Solitary Witch
Chooses to work their magick alone. Sometimes joins groups for special events (sabbots) but mostly practices in solitude.

Hereditary Witch
Comes from a multigenerational tradition of witchcraft. Practice is often taught by parents or elders.

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