Tarot Spread for a Recurring Dream

I hope this tarot spread brings you as much clarity as it did me. You can use this spread if you’re having a recurring dream or a recurring theme in your dreams.

I had a breakthrough moment the other day about a recurring dream I’ve been having for years.

I was talking about the recurring dream and someone said, “Why do you care so much about it in the dream? Why is that even important?” that simple question put it all in perspective to me. Something I had been so obsessed with in the dream, was nonsensical and unimportant. Since my dream felt important, my waking life thought it was too. I had never questioned why I cared so much. Turns out, I actually don't care.

This breakthrough prompted me to create this tarot spread. To further explore why I was having this dream and why it felt so significant.

The tarot spread helped me a ton. I learned that my dream stemmed from thoughts about myself that originated when I was a teenager. I’ve been carrying these thoughts around like baggage for over a decade. It’s time for me to put it down.

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