Stop Worrying Tarot Spread

The intention behind this tarot spread is to help you identify your worries from a new angle. By using new language and your intuition to define what’s causing you to worry, it will hopefully help you manage that worry in a new way.

After you’ve used the tarot to define your worry, you’ll move through your relationship with this worry and explore how you can move past it.

Stop Worrying Tarot Oracle Spread Emerald Lotus Divination.png

[Alt Text] This is a 5 card tarot spread created to help ease your mind. The cards all combine to help you explore how you can stop worrying.

Tarot Spread Layout Prompts:

Card 1 - A worry that consumes me

Card 2 - Why is this worry bothering me?

Card 3 - What can I learn from this worry?

Card 4 - What can I do to ease some of my worries?

Card 5 - Ho w can I invite calmness moving forward?

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