How to Stop People-Pleasing Tarot Spread

As Emerald Lotus grows to reach a wider-audience and expands into new areas, my desire to people-please has become more evident to me.

My entire life I have been someone who wants to make others feel at ease and feel happy - even when my internal world is in complete chaos (as someone who suffers from severe anxiety), I am driven to help others.

This desire to help continues through Emerald Lotus - I always want to reply back to people promptly, make sure everyone is happy, and ultimately “make sure” everyone likes me. Lol even as I write this I see how ridiculous it is - not everyone will like me and on a logical level I’m okay with that fact. Yet for the past few weeks my anxiety has been through the roof with trying to pander to people.

At this point I’m nowhere near free of my strong desire to people-please but I’ve created this tarot spread to try to help me on my journey of setting boundaries with others. I know people-pleasing is something so many of us suffer from, so I hope this tarot spread helps you on your journey too!

People Pleasing Tarot Oracle Spread Emerald Lotus Divination.png

[Alt Text] This is a tarot spread with 4 card prompts. The focus of this tarot spread is on people-pleasing & how we can set boundaries with others.

Tarot Spread Prompts:

1 - where does my need to people-please stem from?

2 - why do i have a hard time saying no?

3 - how is people-pleasing damaging to me?

4 - how can i face the discomfort of others’ disapproval?

5 - how can i focus more on my own wants & needs?