New Moon in Libra Tarot Spread

With the New Moon in Libra on October 16th, the sun and moon are opposite a retrograde Mars and T-square in Capricorn. Let’s all guess what this could possibly cause: tension. And with the upcoming US election, the ongoing pandemic and current global tensions (as we witness the violent path from racism to genocide), this is no surprise.

The Capricorn energy wants us to adhere to the current structure and to follow the rules. But Libra wants justice. She wants it all to end on a positive note where the right side wins and the tragedy stops. The Mars retrograde wants to be the warrior taking action but feels stuck and held back.

So what can we do? Find inner harmony, stand up for what we believe, be patient with others (while not excusing blatant disrespect, racism, murder, the list goes on), and continue to have hope.

If you’re feeling down, hopeless or isolated right now I encourage you to keep going and stay strong. Take time for yourself, relax, and try your best to disconnect from the news. Pull out your tarot cards and try this rather fun and lighthearted tarot spread this weekend - and know that I am always here rooting for you.

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