Tips for New Moon & Full Moon Tarot Readings

As we’re starting this new year, I encourage you to record your tarot readings. Especially the readings you conduct during New Moons and Full Moons. These lunations are tied with one another on a 6 month cycle - making it handy to have notes on previous lunar cycles.

For example, a New Moon in Aquarius (February) sees it’s counterpart Full Moon in Aquarius six months later (August).

At the time of each lunation, it feels like we'll never forget what we're working through... but as 6 months pass us by, it can feel impossible to think back without notes. Here are some tips for how to stay on top of your tarot readings:

Tips for New Moon & Full Moon Tarot Readings:

1 - Stay Organized

Get a journal that you use strictly for recording your Full and New Moon tarot readings. Or at least, one where you keep all your tarot readings. This doesn't have to be an expensive journal, it can even be a free Google Sheet or Notes app folder... the important thing is that all your readings are in one place so you can find them 6 months from now.

When I journal for the lunation I always include:

  • Lunation (ex Full Moon, New Moon)

  • Astrology Sign the Lunation is Occurring (ex. in Aquarius, in Libra, in Gemini)

  • Date I'm conducting my reading AND the date of the lunation (so it's easier to find later on)

  • Questions I’m asking my cards

  • Each card I pull for every question (including whether it’s reversed)

  • My personal interpretation of the cards I pulled for each question

  • I try to include bonus information if something significant is happening (ex. I’ve been feeling terrible this month - lots of anxiety or We adopted our new dog Frankie on Sep 30)

2 - Type Your Readings

Keeping tarot readings in digital format can be easier than on paper. Consider using the Notes app, Google Sheets, OneNote (or any other note taking app). It can be much faster to type than to handwrite.

3 - Film Your Readings

While you may not want to share your personal tarot readings with the world, filming yourself can be a practical way to save readings. Consider recording yourself in video format or voice memos on your phone about your tarot readings. This method can help you explain concepts, cards, or themes that are complex because you can pretend you're talking to your future self or a friend. Be sure to save the files in a way that's easy to locate 6 months from now.

4 - Don't Stress About the Ritual

While tarot readings can be sacred and precious, they don't have to be to be effective. If you're short on time or low energy, don't worry about having an aesthetic or perfect reading. You'll thank yourself later for doing a quick tarot spread with short notes - it doesn't have to be elaborate.

5 - Plan For It but Be Flexible

You typically have 4 days before and up to 4 days after each Full or New Moon to conduct your tarot reading. Don't stress too much about doing the reading exactly on the day. Focus on doing the reading when YOU feel most inspired to. I very rarely do my Full/New Moon readings on the most potent day of the lunation (I genuinely don't think I've done one on the exact day in years!).

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