11 Best Crystals for Healing | Witch Tips

There are many crystals with various healing properties. The best crystals for healing can depend on the particular issues or imbalances you want to address.

Here are 11 crystals that can be great for healing:


Kunzite is associated with the heart and higher chakras, making it especially beneficial for emotional healing, unconditional love, spiritual growth, and self-discovery. While primarily associated with emotional and spiritual healing, some believe that Kunzite may have a positive influence on physical ailments related to the heart, lungs, and nervous system.


Prehnite is a crystal of unconditional love and inner peace. It can assist in emotional healing, enhancing intuition, and promoting a sense of calm and serenity. It is known as the crystal to heal the healer, making it perfect for those who do healing, witchcraft and are empathic. It’s a great stone to uncover deep fears and allows you to heal the unconscious and conscious.


Fluorite can be used for healing to enhance mental clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual awareness, while also providing protection and cleansing of the aura. Fluorite can transform negative energy into positive, making it great for you on your healing journey. Some believe that Fluorite can boost the immune system, regenerate cells, help to heal wounds, and alleviate arthritis pain.


Sunstone is a joyful and uplifting crystal that brings warmth and positivity. It can aid in boosting confidence, vitality, and self-expression, while also promoting a sense of abundance and empowerment. The vitality and power it holds is great during a healing journey when you need a little spark of positivity and joy.


Bloodstone is a powerful healing stone associated with grounding, protection and purification. It draws out negative energy and helps to realign the energy in the lower chakras, helping you to feel balanced and grounded. Some believe it can be used for physical healing, especially related to the blood and circulatory system, and for revitalizing the body and mind.

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is a grounding and protective crystal known for its ability to transmute negative energy into positive energy. It can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and emotional blockages, while also promoting a sense of stability and balance. Smoky Quartz is excellent for grounding and cleansing the aura, making it beneficial for energetic protection and purification. It can aid in enhancing focus, endurance, and practicality, making it a valuable crystal for those seeking to stay grounded and centered during challenging times.


Known as the "stone of love and balance," Rhodochrosite has powerful emotional healing properties, aiding in the release of past traumas and emotional wounds. It promotes self-love, self-acceptance, and compassion. This crystal's nurturing energy makes it helpful during times of stress and anxiety, offering comfort and emotional support. Rhodochrosite encourages a positive and optimistic outlook, helping you navigate life's challenges with resilience and grace.


Chrysocolla is a soothing crystal associated with feminine energies and communication. It can help heal heartache, free you of guilt, promote emotional balance, and enhance self-expression. Working with Chrysocolla can empower you to embrace your authentic self, embrace change, and foster a deeper understanding of your emotions and relationships.


Sugilite is a powerful crystal for spiritual healing and transformation. It can assist in releasing old patterns, promoting self-discovery, and enhancing spiritual growth. Sugilite can help you release worries, relieve stress, ease pain and dispel negative energy.

Blue Lace Agate

This gentle and calming crystal is known for its soothing energy. It can aid in reducing stress, anxiety, and promoting clear communication. Blue Lace Agate can help to neutralize negative energy and emotions, allowing you to deal with intense energy from a balanced place.


Malachite is wonderful for healing trauma, promoting positive change, and absorbing negative energies. As a powerful emotional healer, it aids in releasing past traumas and negative patterns, encouraging positive change and personal growth. Malachite's energy can open the heart chakra, fostering empathy, compassion, and a deeper connection with others. This crystal is believed to enhance intuition and provide protection against negative energies, making it a valuable ally during times of emotional upheaval or inner exploration. Working with Malachite can help you face challenges with resilience and a renewed sense of self-awareness, supporting your journey towards emotional healing and inner transformation.

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