Playing Card Suits as Tarot Card Suits

When comparing playing card suits to tarot suits, we can draw loose connections based on their elemental associations and general symbolism.

Why is This Important?

Understanding this connection can be helpful if you ever are without a tarot deck and want to use playing cards instead.

It can also be a helpful guide to have if you ever see a random playing card in the wild. For myself personally, I tend to see random playing cards in parking lots, playing cards in art, and I have some charms in my charm collection that I use for charm casting that are playing cards.

Although there is no guide set in stone, here is a commonly held understanding of the connection of playing cards with tarot.

Hearts (♥) as Cups

Hearts, representing emotions and love in playing cards, can be associated with the Cups suit in tarot. Both symbols are connected to matters of the heart, relationships, and the realm of emotions.

Spades (♠) as Swords

Spades, representing challenges and conflicts, can be linked to the Swords suit in tarot. Both symbols are associated with intellect, communication, decision-making, and the realm of thoughts and ideas.

Clubs (♣) as Wands

Clubs, symbolizing intellect and work, can be associated with the Wands suit in tarot. Both symbols are connected to action, energy, ambition, creativity, and the realm of passion.

Diamonds (♦) as Pentacles or Coins

Diamonds, associated with material wealth and possessions, can be linked to the Pentacles or Coins suit in tarot. Both symbols represent the physical realm, finances, abundance, and material well-being.

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