Tarot Spread for Aries Season

As the cold rough waters of Pisces washes us up on the shore, we must quickly familiarize ourselves with the feeling of the hot sand against our skin and the sun beating down on us. We look up to see a path… this path is our only option for we cannot dare travel the seas of Pisces again. So forward we trek… into Aries Season.

Running from March 20th to April 19th, Aries season brings us creative, brave, and bold energy. Starting off this new Astrological year, Aries has fresh eyes and the purity to wish for something greater for ourselves.

Aries reminds us to channel that zest for life and mix it with planting seeds for our future - it doesn’t have to be all work no play. Enjoy yourself and explore the world around you this season in any way you can.

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