Is It Time? Tarot Spread for Initiating Change

There are times where we can sense a change is required in life. It may be something small like changing our daily routine, letting go of a habit, or rearranging our living space. Or it can be something monumental and drastic such as welcoming a child, moving cities, or changing careers. These changes both big and small, are something we face constantly in life.

When I was younger I think I assumed we made a few choices in early adulthood and after that we just coasted through the rest of our lives. I wasn’t able to conceptualize or really understand that initiating change is such a massive part of the human existence.

As someone who is terrible with change but yet craves it and dives in constantly, I find myself forced into change more often than I’d like.

Sometimes change is initiated (Six of Swords energy) and sometimes it’s forced upon us (think Tower moment) but either way, we’re faced with it.

This tarot spread is for those times you can feel change in the air. Your intuition is leading you toward something new but you haven’t quite stepped through the doors of change just yet.

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