Predicting the Outcome Tarot Spread

Using tarot as a predictive tool is something that many readers feel differently about. I’ve met many who refuse to do predictive readings and who think it’s much wiser to read only about present or past situations. As a divination witch myself, I fully support predictive readings of any type.

I have successfully predicted many outcomes in my life using tarot, intuition and other divination tools and methods. I find there are times when having an idea of what to expect can be incredibly grounding and relieving to understand and trust that things are going to work out.

Although there are only a few cards in this reading, do know that this will be a more challenging spread. Especially if you are a beginner to tarot or reading about something incredibly personal, it may be challenging to release expectations and really trust your inner wisdom to read the cards. This reading might be easier to do for someone else, rather than for yourself, so that you have less of a narrative and expectation about the cards and outcome.

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