Divination Questions - Predictive Readings

Some people use divination tools to dive into their current situation & they avoid asking predictive questions about the future. Other people tend to only ask questions about the future and what’s coming in their lives instead of doing any self-reflection of the present. I find myself in the middle - I love using divination to do introspective work about my present and my past, but I also love using divination as a predictive tool.

I believe that if we’re ready to hear something about our future, the message will be revealed to us. I believe there are certain questions that cannot be answered or cannot be fully answered at specific moments, but I do think some can. I believe we have autonomy to change aspects of our future, but I also believe certain events are fated or cosmically planned in some way that extends beyond our human understanding of coincidence.

If you’re curious to use your divination tools as predictors for the future, here are some questions you can use to get started.

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