Capricorn Season Tarot Spread

After the hot and wild burst of Sagittarius season, a cold winter wind begins to whistle as it slowly grazes our skin… We find that the archer’s arrow of Sagittarius has carried us high into the mountain tops of the earth sign, Capricorn.

Capricorn season runs from December 22nd until January 19th. Calculated, thoughtful and pragmatic the sea goat spends a lot of time alone - slowly and carefully climbing its way to the top of the mountain. As the sign that best understands the long-term, Capricorn patiently works toward what it wants in life, knowing that the end reward will be worth the journey.

An important element of Capricorn is finding self-validation for all of their hard work and effort that they put into life. It’s easy for them to get tied up in how others perceive them but a crucial part of their journey is finding their own raison d'être (as we say in French) or reason for existence.

This season, Capricorn invites us to consider what it is we want to work toward this year and plan out how we will reach this goal. Let us consciously cast aside the opinions of others and follow our own intuition. This intuition, like the sea goat, will carefully scale the mountains of our soul to help us reach new heights of our being.

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