Spending My Time Tarot Spread

Time spent is like a currency. We can choose to be mindful of how we spending it and spend it on things that bring us great returns. It’s important to revisit how we’re spending our time every once in a while so that we can avoid falling into patterns of unhealthy habits or routines that are no longer serving us.

I hope this tarot spread helps to inspire you to use your time differently this season. Perhaps explore a new hobby, take more time for yourself, do less or do more - whatever calls to you.

I recognize that time is a valuable commodity and a privilege. If you currently don’t have any spare time or time to yourself, please recognize your efforts and be gentle with yourself. I hope that in the coming months perhaps your schedule will be such that you can find 20 minutes for yourself every once in a while.

For this tarot spread, feel free to use tarot cards mixed with other divination tools like oracle cards or charms to get the most out of your reading.

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