Tarot Questions - Finding Inspiration

We all face moments where we feel uninspired. Not simply creatively (although that is common), but we can lack inspiration in every aspect of life. Many of us who suffer from depression or depressive episodes know how all consuming it can be to lack inspiration. We can feel uninspired to appreciate the little joys in life, activities we once loved, routines that once nourished us.

These tarot questions are meant to help you explore your cards to ask some questions. Rather than have a fully structured tarot spread, I want to play around more with concepts and questions you can ask on your own as you practice using your intuition. Feel free to ask anywhere from 1, 2, 3 or all the questions in this infographic.

Affirmations for finding inspiration:

🌼 What is meant for me effortlessly flows to me.

🍄 I tune in to messages from spirit & hear them loudly.

🌼 I honor my own timeline for productivity.

🍄 I attract wonderful ideas and set them in motion.

🌼 I am filled with infinite creative energy and potential.

🍄 I always find inspiration when I seek it.

A big shout out to @lightwands who I saw do something like this with offering questions to ask your tarot cards rather than full blown tarot spreads. As someone who has released hundreds of free tarot spreads (and even a few on inspiration), I love the concept of offering you a starting off point for reading your cards, rather than an entire structured layout.

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