Doors of Perception Tarot Spread

As I was laying in bed last night, I was thinking about how I wasn’t going to have a tarot spread to post for you this week. After posting free weekly tarot spreads for years, those weeks where I don’t have anything to share feel super weird. I accepted the fact that this was going to be one of those weeks and tried to let it go.

Once that happened and I started to drift asleep I saw the book Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley and suddenly this tarot spread appeared in my minds eye.

Doors of Perception is about Huxley’s experience with psychedelic drugs and how they opened this new spiritual doorway to cosmic awareness (to put it briefly). The book was released in ‘54 and, as these types of books tend to have, it was met with criticism. A notable point of contention is the argument that spirituality and religion don’t mix with drug use. Many believe taking drugs to have spiritual experiences diminishes the potential of humans to explore their mysticism and drugs are an illegitimate path to enlightenment.

To me, this argument is one that will never have finality because, spirituality and consciousness is all perception. Everything to do with our personal connection to our inner world is subjective.

Regardless of your personal beliefs on the topic (although I am curious about them so leave them below if you feel called to!), this duality and contention that surrounds the book made me think about the doorways in our own life and our perception of them. What doors have the potential to open for you in this moment? What are you not seeing? What do you need to let go of in order to transcend? What do you see clearly in your own life? What is subjective vs objective?

All we can do is listen to our own truth.

Doors of Perception Tarot Oracle Spread Emerald Lotus Divination.png
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