Yes/No Tarot Question

Yes/No Tarot Question


🔮 Ask the cards your Yes/No question!

🌼 Readings will be pre-recorded by Emerald Lotus and uploaded to a shared link that will be emailed to you within the estimated window for your reading. This allows your reading to be saved and rewatched at any time.

🦋 Your tarot card reading will include 1-3 tarot cards plus a potential mix of oracle cards to get the most out of your reading & to help answer the specific question you have. Decks will be chosen intuitively by Emerald Lotus for your specific reading.

🩵 Feel free to add any identifiable information you’d like to include in the information section when adding this listing to your cart (specifically if you’d like me to touch on certain aspects of your life or answer any questions!).

For tarot reading examples, please see my YouTube account where I post community tarot card readings. This will help you get an idea of my reading style. Click Here.

Your pre-recorded video reading will be emailed to the address entered at checkout within 10 business days! Please check your SPAM/JUNK email folder!!

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