Orange Calcite - Metaphysical Crystal Properties

What is Orange Calcite? What does Orange Calcite do? Let’s explore the metaphysical and spiritual healing properties of this energizing crystal!

Orange Calcite Associations:

Color: Orange

Mohs Hardness: 3

Zodiac Sign: Cancer & Leo

Chakra: Sacral Chakra & Solar Plexus Chakra

Planetary Association: Venus, the Sun, the Moon

Where does Orange Calcite come from?

Orange Calcite is a common crystal that can be found on nearly every continent.

Orange Calcite Physical Properties

Calcite is a calcium carbonate mineral with a Moh’s hardness of 3.

Calcite itself comes in many colors brown, red, orange, blue, green, yellow, white and even clear. Orange Calcite in particular is caused by the inclusion of hematite in the crystal. Orange Calcite is so common yet many still fake the crystal, luckily Orange Calcite is UV reactive and will typically glow red when it’s authentic.

What are the metaphysical properties of Orange Calcite?

- confidence
- sensuality
- creativity
- new ideas
- joy
- happiness
- anti-anxiety
- reduces fear
- helps with forgiveness
- community
- astral travel
- channeling
- activating Sacral Chakra & Solar Plexus Chakra

Where should I put Orange Calcite?

Orange Calcite is a great stone to keep in an office or a room with many people - because it encourages joy along with camaraderie and compassion. Orange Calcite is also great to keep on you in tumbled form (in a purse, pocket, backpack) because it can help to alleviate anxiety and bring happiness and confidence. Orange Calcite is also great to keep in an art studio or somewhere you want to boost creative energies.

The most important note about storing Orange Calcite is to keep it out of direct sunlight as prolonged exposure to sun will cause the crystal to fade. It is also best to keep it out of water (unless it’s for a very short period of time).