Resolving Conflict Tarot Spread

Having conflict with those we care about happens…when it does it’s incredibly difficult to resolve because there are so many emotions at play. High intensity emotions because we care so deeply about the other person, which also means that they have the potential to really hurt us (and vice versa).

I created this tarot spread to help you resolve conflict with someone you care about. This is a great spread for a situation like this because it doesn’t involve any ethical challenges like trying to read for someone who doesn’t want us to, and instead helps us look inward at how we can handle the situation on our end. It gives us the power to figure out the next step.

Please remember that not everyone is worth resolving conflict with. Think logically about your history with this person and how often you get into conflict. Are they worth continuing to be hurt over?

*A big thank you to the person who helped me with the concept for this tarot spread!

Resolving Conflict - Emerald Lotus Divination.png
Emerald Lotus