Gemini New Moon Tarot Spread

Gemini has long been one of my favorite signs regardless of how much people like to hate on them. I love the communicative, investigative, curious and bubbly Gemini energy.

Gemini is ruled by The Lovers tarot card and I wanted to incorporate some of that Lovers energy when creating my tarot spread. This duality that is represented in the twins of Gemini and the Lovers, is why I included card (2) Something I No Longer Find to Be True and (3) Something I Should Investigate Further - this is the duality of leaving something behind and taking something new. The (5) card about Unconditional Love is also a nod to the Lovers card. We’re also experiencing Venus retrograde right now so that Lovers influence felt extra appropriate.

Gemini New Moon Tarot Spread Layout - Emerald Lotus Divination.png
Emerald Lotus