Improving Inclusivity - Tarot Spread for Supporting Others

Improving Inclusivity Supporting Others Tarot Spread Layout - Emerald Lotus Divination.png

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This tarot spread will help give you an idea of how you can be more inclusive. Inclusivity is not as binary as some people think, it’s definitely a spectrum & it’s something that we can all improve!

What does INCLUSIVITY mean? Let’s get clear:
"the practice or policy of including people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized, such as those who have physical or mental disabilities and members of minority groups."

EXAMPLES INCLUDE:  cultural minorities, racial minorities, LGBTQ, refugees, immigrants, those experiencing homelessness, mentally ill, physically disabled, gambling & substance abusers, felons, etc.

Some examples of how you can improve your inclusivity:
↠ Diversify your friend group
↠ Diversify your business practices (who you hire, how you market, who you market to, what you offer, etc.)
↠ Who you choose to hire/pay for services
↠ Neighborhoods you frequent or choose to live in
↠ How you respond directly to those who are marginalized
↠ How you speak about those who are marginalized
↠ Being aware of your biases
↠ Educating yourself on marginalized people/groups
↠ Empathizing with the disadvantages of others
↠ Taking positive action to support marginalized people/groups

Emerald Lotus