Aquarius Season Tarot Spread

After Capricorn’s strive to be the best, the eccentric and unprecedented energy of Aquarius blows through to shake the ground that Capricorn walks on. For the season of Capricorn, we dream to follow our truth but can’t help but feel the crushing weight of expectation and judgment from others. But finally, with this new Aquarius air we shatter the ice box that Capricorn built around itself.

Running from January 20th until February 17th, Aquarius season represents new ideas and seeing old situations with fresh eyes. Often mistaken as a water sign due to the Aquarian symbol being a water bearer, the Aquarius is undeniably an Air sign. The water bearer symbol represents the vessel holding the water, not the water itself. Aquarius is the sign that can carry the emotions of others in a way that is ‘detached’ (a common stereotype of Aqua) which gives them the ability to solve complex problems logically without feeling overwhelmed emotionally.

One of my favorite quotes about Aquarius is from Steven Forrest, he writes “For Aquarius, conventionality is a mask. She may choose to wear it, but if she does, she pays a terrible price: the life she leads is not her own.” The Aquarian is not meant to fit a mold, she is meant to break them. Let us honor that bold energy this season.

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