Amazonite - Metaphysical Crystal Properties

What is Amazonite? What does Amazonite do? Let’s explore the metaphysical and spiritual healing properties of this beautiful crystal!

Amazonite Associations:

Color: bluish green to greenish blue

Mohs Hardness: 6 to 6.5

Zodiac Sign: Virgo. Also good for Aries, Leo, Scorpio

Planet: Uranus, Saturn, Venus (conflicting planets)

Chakra: Heart and Throat

Element: Earth & Water

Herbs/Oils: Basil, Patchouli, Mint, Bergamont

Crystal Pairings: Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Citrine, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, Rhodochrosite

Where does Amazonite come from?

Amazonite has been used as a gemstone as far back as 2000 years and has been found in excavations of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Currently, it is mined worldwide with deposits of Amazonite found in Russia, Myanmar, India, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Brazil, Australia, Canada and the United States.

Amazonite Physical Properties

Amazonite is a variety of microcline, which is a feldspar mineral. The green coloring in the stone is caused by trace amounts of lead.

What are the metaphysical properties of Amazonite?

- success
- good luck
- fortune
- attracting abundance
- balances masculine & feminine energies
- dispels negativity
- removes blockages
- enhances loving energy
- promotes positivity
- helps you speak your truth

Where should I put Amazonite?

Amazonite is a versatile stone that can be kept anywhere you want to promote good energy and a calm vibe. It’s a beautiful stone to keep in workplaces (due to the connection with the Throat Chakra and its abilities to help with communication). It can also be kept in a bedroom to promote calm and uplifting energy.

The most important note about storing Amazonite is to keep it out of direct sunlight as prolonged exposure to sun will cause the crystal to fade.