What Are the 6 Types of Intuition? The Clairs | Witch Tips

The term "clairs" typically refers to different forms of psychic or intuitive abilities.

These abilities are often associated with heightened perception or sensitivity beyond the five physical senses.

Each individual possess these intuitive abilities in varying degrees.

Here are 6 of the most common clairs:

  1. Clairvoyance: Clear seeing. This refers to the ability to perceive information or events beyond the normal range of vision, often in the form of mental images or visions.

  2. Clairaudience: Clear hearing. This is the ability to hear sounds or voices beyond the ordinary range of hearing, often perceived as inner voices or auditory impressions.

  3. Clairsentience: Clear feeling. Clairsentients can perceive information or energies through emotions or physical sensations. They may feel emotions or physical sensations that are not their own, allowing them to tune into the feelings of others or sense the energy of places or objects.

  4. Claircognizance: Clear knowing. This refers to the ability to have sudden insights, knowledge, or understanding about something without any apparent logical explanation.

  5. Clairgustance: Clear tasting. This is the ability to taste something without physically consuming it. It may manifest as sudden tastes or flavors in the mouth associated with specific energies or information.

  6. Clairalience: Clear smelling. This is the ability to smell scents or odors that are not physically present. These smells may be associated with spiritual beings, energies, or events.

It's important to note that while some people may naturally have stronger clair abilities, they can also be developed through practice and training.

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